Events - 13 Oct 24
Upcoming Events
AA meeting 6:30 am - 7:30 am in the undercroft
Sunday Service - Holy Eucharist - 10:00 AM
Holy Eucharist with communion mass. Join us in person or streaming live! YOUTUBE LINK:
Coffee Hour - PARISH HALL
Join us for coffee hour at 11 AM, right after our service!
Godly Play
Godly Play Sunday School is for ages 4 – 10. It is held at 11am, after the service, in the Undercroft. We also offer a [...]
Sugar Skull Moulding - UNDERCROFT
Sugar Skull moulding will take place in the Undercroft near the end of Coffee Hour
Your Church & You (w/ Rev. Cn. Mary Goshert) - SANCTUARY
A series of 7 classes in preparation of our Bishop's visit in October- Lead by The Rev. Cn. Mary Goshert on Sunday's (9/8 - 10/20) [...]
Benicia Insight Meditation- PARISH HALL
Benicia Insight Meditation will be meeting at 4pm in the Parish Hall.
8PM in the Parish Hall